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Grating – Why Choose Molded?

Redco FRP comes two broad categories of grating which we touched on in an older post “Molded or Pultruded Grating?” but a further discussion is required on the advantages of molded grating as there are situations where molded grating might be the better choice.

Advantages of Molded FRP Grating:

Easier to install as there are no bearing bars to be concerned about. In pultruded grating, the bearing bars must carry the load and be orientated appropriately. molded-grating

Fabrication on-site is easier.

Higher resin content (65%) than pultruded grating. 

Simple design

Cheaper than pultruded grating

Plentifully stocked at our manufacturer in a variety of profiles.

One factor in the economy of molded grating is the natural, anti-slip concave surface former during the manufacturing process. Added grit systems are available.

Molded grating makes sense under certain applications and may be the only choice for certain budgets. That said, pultruded grating is a superior form of FRP grating and should be specified whenever possible. Pultruded grating will last longer and suffer less deflection. Click here for our REDCO™ DURAGRATE® brochure.

For additional assistance or questions on other FRP products please contact us:

CDN: 1 800 667 0999
USA: 1 866 733 2684