Custom Fabrication & Design

The breadth of the Redco FRP (fiberglass reinforced plastic) line can seem overwhelming at times with the sheer amount of products available. These products can be purchased with multiple resin systems, additives and profiles as well. A representative can help you select the right product for your application.
But then what?
The reality is, not every customer is a fabricator who knows how to work with FRP. In fact, many customers do not have engineered plans – just an idea of what they would like to accomplish. Fortunately, Redco FRP through our manufacturer, Strongwell, has access to both engineers and extensive “in-house” fabrication. What is required though is more than a simple “I want to build a ____” statement – the customer will be required to provide specific details, and figures, about the application environment such as UV-exposure, temperature range, chemicals, fire risk, and loads. Engineers that design these structures are personally responsible for their designs. We simply cannot design and fabricate a solution if we do not have all of the required information!
While we have access to engineers who have their stamp for many states, we can also provide a stamp from an engineer in whichever state is required, for an additional premium. On the fabrication end, we can cut, drill, paint and even partially assemble projects before transportation to the end-user, such as this Strongwell FRP bridge in Barbados which was custom fabricated in four sections.
(Pultruded FRP bridge in Barbados)