What’s In A Stamp?

Engineering is a line of work with plenty of prestige. In general, engineers are put through rigorous education and schooling and are paid well for their services. However, some people do not know that engineers are personally, legally, responsible for the designs they make. Therefore when working on a design using Redco FRP materials it is an absolute must that we have all available information on hand. Information including the operating environment of the FRP, spans, loads and safety factors.
Neither us, nor our manufacturer Strongwell, will quote unless we have the information we need! Drawings for the finished project in the U.S. are required to be stamped by an engineer who has been certified by whichever state the project is destined for. Fortunately, Strongwell has engineers for many U.S. states on staff. If a stamp is required for a state we don’t have an engineer for, representatives are kept on retainer who can provide the stamp. Rest assured when you contact us for your project – anywhere in North America – we can provide the stamp you need.