Offshore Oil & Gas
Redwood Plastics structural composites have proven to be a solution for many problems offshore. Weight savings, durability, and resistance to salt water and salt air are reasons fiberglass composites are being specified to replace steel in many applications such as:
- Production Platforms
- Tension Leg Platforms
REDCO™ DURAGRID® Phenolic Grating
REDCO™ DURAGRID® Phenolic Grating, when compared to typical polyester, vinyl ester and epoxy FRP products, is a major improvement in reduced smoke density, reduced smoke toxicity and structural integrity when exposed to fire. DURAGRID® Phenolic is accepted for use in locations and applications allowed in the U.S. Coast Guard Policy File Memorandum 2.98 for fire retardant FRP grating meeting structural fire integrity Level 2 (L2).
Redco DURAGRID® Phenolic Grating is the first composite grating to receive a U.S. Coast Guard Approval and may now be used in many areas where previously only steel grating could be used. DURAGRID® Phenolic Grating also complies with Annex 1, Part 2, 2.6.1 and 2.6.2 (smoke and toxicity testing) FTP Code (International Code for Application of Fire Test Procedures) issued by the International Maritime Organization. Further information on smoke and toxicity tests is available from Redwood Plastics upon request.
Areas where Redco DURAGRID® Phenolic Grating can be used include:
- Wave Zone Areas
- Well Bays
- Mud Pits
- BOP Work Platforms
- Well Head Platforms
- Cranes
- Wind Walls
- Preload Tanks