Waste Processing Solutions
Redco Fiberglass Reinforced Plastic (FRP) materials have numerous advantages over traditional materials. First and foremost is the ability to resist corrosion. This corrosion could be due to outdoor elements such as poor weather and salt but our materials also resist chemical corrosion. This makes the material especially valuable in waste water and waste processing applications.
Not only will our FRP outlast wood and steel, but it is virtually maintenance free. The material will not require repainting and is easily cleaned. Take a look at this comparison of both materials after 12 years use:
The FRP materials hold up very well while the steel shows clear signs of corrosion. The safety concerns and potential replacement costs (with accompanying facility downtime) make FRP materials a sensible choice. The picture segways into another benefit of the FRP materials – versatility. Not only do we provide pultruded and molded grating, but we have the accompanying railings, ladder and stairway systems. This provides a “360 degree” FRP solution to your application ensuring that your employees are safe and your maintenance is kept to a minium.
For assistance or questions about your application please contact us.
E-MAIL: sales@redwoodplastics.com
CDN: 1 800 667 0999
USA: 1 866 733 2684