FRP Ladders – Is the Switch Worth It?
Fiberglass reinforced plastic (“FRP”) ladder and cage systems were one of the first pultruded products on the market and have a proven track record of success since the 1950’s. The FRP ladders do cost more but what is the lifecycle cost in comparison to metal ladder systems? Let’s compare the relative advantages of each:
-Readily available from distributors and contractors
-Proven product
-Well-known…The “standard”
-Less expensive than FRP
Fiberglass reinforced plastic:
-Available in custom sizes and configurations
-Will not rot
-Will not rust
-Virtually maintenance free
-Meets any North American safety standard
The fact is in any environment where corrosion OR rust OR electrical hazards OR maintenance concerns may be a factor, FRP ladder systems are a safer choice. Their ability to resist both natural and artificial elements mean they last much longer and will survive long after a metal ladder system needs replacement. All we need is measurements or a drawing to quote a ladder system…The process is easier than you might think as many of the components and specifications are standard. The ladders come standard in OSHA safety yellow and there are a few options we can help you select. But know that the switch is worth it.
For more information contact Redwood Plastics.