Redco DURAGRID Phenolic Grating
Redco FRP (fiberglass reinforced plastic) grating systems are available in a variety of resin systems. Most customers are fine with the standard polyester and a few need the extra corrosion-resistance of the vinyl ester resin. But what if fire safety is the key concern? It might come as a surprise but we do offer a grating with a resin system for such concerns. Redco Phenolic FRP grating systems offers superior resistance to flame and high temperatures. In addition, FRP is naturally low on thermal conductivity. REDCO™ DURAGRID® Phenolic grating was the first composite grating to receive U.S. Coast Guard approval. It is accepted for use in locations and applications as allowed in the U.S.C.G. Policy File Memorandum 2-98 for fire retardant grating meeting structural fire integrity Level 2(L2).
That said, this is a premium product and is always supplied as a customized quotation. Minimum orders, color restrictions, etc. may apply. If you’re interested in Phenolic grating it is best to get in touch with one of our representatives for a comprehensive discussion of your application, scope, and budget. If you are interested please contact us today.